October Nature Happenings

  • Cedar Waxwings arrive.
  • Look for scarce Rufous Hummingbirds to arrive throughout the region.
  • Wintering sparrows, towhees and juncos arrive late in the month - they all love millet in a ground feeder.
  • It's a good time to install bluebird winter roost boxes.
  • American Goldfinches start to return this month (in the south of the region).
  • First Sprague's Pipits and longspurs arrive for the winter.
  • Monarch migration reaches its peak late in month, sometimes in uncountable numbers.
  • Sandhill Cranes arrive in small flocks late in the month.
  • Waterfowl migration continues to build; lots of geese can be seen passing over at the end of the month.
  • Bald Eagle nest building and maintenance begins.
  • Great Horned Owl males begin hooting in nesting territory.
  • Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers arrive.
  • Sedge Wrens arrive in mid-October.
  • Peak fall migration for American Robins.
  • Orionids meteor shower is late-October.


Courtesy of UF IFAS Florida Wildlife Extension


Northeast Florida: Look for migrating Peregrine falcons in natural areas, especially along the coast as they follow shorebird prey.
Warbler migration peaks early this month.
Peak in chimney swift migrations in South Florida
Sandhill cranes that nested in more northern latitudes begin to move down to join our resident birds.
Ducks begin to arrive for the winter
Grosbeaks, warblers, tanagers, orioles, and thrushes begin migrating south for the winter

Flying squirrels will be moving into pecan groves as the nuts ripen.
Black bears feeding heavily in preparation for winter
Flatwoods salamanders breed with the first rains of the October.

Monarch butterfly migration nears its peak along Florida's Gulf coast. Many can be seen at St. Marks Wildlife Refuge.

Redfish and trout move up creeks and rivers in north Florida
Fall spawning of redear sunfish
Largemouth bass active in cooler waters

Plants and Trees
Plant trees and shrubs, like holly and dogwood, that produce berries to feed wildlife.
Blazing star, summer farewell and other wildflowers bloom in pine uplands